Sugar Plum Dynasty

Sugar Plum Dynasty

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's Official its 2010!

Wow i can not even say that right but here it is. We have survived so much if we could just really look back on it there is no way we made alone we were definately carried by the Lord.  With that said what are some of the things you look forward to achieving and doing this year? Not so much as new resolutions, but really breaking into things that you thought you never could do. I know for me I really have broken into something that almost killed me literally. I've  started a cycling class sweet Jesus when i tell you your but hurts believe me.  I rushed so fast to get into the class they were only letting so many ladies in. Then once i set my round dariare on the bike i said i got to get out of here some type of way. The lady next to me was slim and trim she said just hang in there it'll be find. Well will see no pain no gain right. I will be going back and i'll keep you guys updated.  Also was anyone able to watch Oprah on yesterdays show Cookie Johnson discussed her Jeans CJ jeans.   They look awesome for curvier women. So here's to the new year a better healthier us and doing new great innovating things. Let's challenge ourselves!

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