Sugar Plum Dynasty

Sugar Plum Dynasty

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nanny can I be a Model?

Is what my little neice asked me quietly last night. I have three gorgeous neices i mean really they are beautiful ages 4, 3, and 3 months i cant believe it. Well one of them was reading an Ebony magazine she saw a model on the back and asked who she was and could she do the same. I answered her told her of course you are beautiful you can do anything you want to do. Then I paused and really let her question settle in my spirit.  It's amazing how much we matter to little ones the opportunities we have to build or tear down their dreams. I began to cry cause i actually remembered times as a child when i may not have had such positive enforcement. It so so important and vital that we lift one another up. We hold life in our very hands and mouths. She sat back and smiled after i answered her not the fact that she can be a model. It is the fact that someone she loves and trusts supports her in any positive endeavor she wishes to pursue.  It so amazing because she's only three and has these questions. So i have a question. How many people or children ask us questions we ignore or maybe shrugg them off when we could very well build the next Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Woman or Man of God. Remember life or death lies in the tongue! Until later Plumsters and Plummetes!

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