Sugar Plum Dynasty

Sugar Plum Dynasty

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Anyone heard of Enoch?

As we begin ushering in the New Year exciteinly preparing to make it better than last year or at least hope for the better. I am compelled to always think or speak on how God continues to transition us from one year of our life to another which brings me to Enoch. Enoch was seventh in generation from Adam, yes the same Adam that was in the Garden of Eden with Eve. Enoch was allowed by god to travel through heaven and even visit past ancestor that went on to be with the lord. Many secrets were revealed to him. Methusulah son of Enoch lived to be 969 years of age. Wow truly unbelievable. Enoch walked with God for years then was taken to heaven one day without ever seeing death. This story is so much more in depth i had to actually purchase the lost book of Enoch. Enoch is discussed in Genesis then discussed more in Jude before the book of Revelations. I know you guys are wondering where is all this coming from but us here at beutyisfromheaven enjoy well rounded topics with a special love for, Jesus Christ.

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