Sugar Plum Dynasty

Sugar Plum Dynasty

Friday, January 15, 2010

"A Cry to God for Haiti"!

My heart goes out to Haiti at this time, honestly many times throughout my life.  I know everyone by now should be familar with what has happened the earthquake, the shaking.  Something like this is devasting beyond the mind being able to wrap itself around. To have your house, kids or family taken away in a matter of seconds is painful.  As we just as people not to just say Americans alone but just as a person we should always put ourselves in others shoes. How would i feel? Where would i go? What would my children eat? How do i start again?  The Haitians had already delt with so much devastation previously with the flooding so i am truly praying for them.  On yesterday Pat Robertson of CBN News stated " That the Haitians many years ago had made a pact with satan".  He feels this is some of the reason there going through some hard times.  I pray to God they did not do something like that as we never want to open a door for evil.  In the same breath i pray for God grace to reach them, God is a god of first, second, third and eternal chances and loves his children.  We as a people could be there chance.  Let's continue to rally, to love and support. Please send proceeds to Red Cross or Foundations that or creditable. Standing in the Need of Grace for Haiti. Godbless!

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