Sugar Plum Dynasty

Sugar Plum Dynasty

Friday, January 22, 2010

And The GOLDEN GLOBE goes TO MO'Nique

Oprah has a saying or should i say a testimony that says. GOD can always dream a bigger dream than you. That he has done with our girl MO'NIQUE.  To say i am happy would be and understatement. She came on Oprah saying how she really looked up to her because she was a face that looked like hers and told her she could go anywhere and do anything. She has for the Black Community it just represents so much sometimes all the odds stacked against us is what pushes us into destiny. You know i am reminded at this time that god has given each and everyone of us a dream a goal a vsiion. When he blew life into us there lwas the vision as well. We did not tknow through the path we would fight this bear,lion, and tiger. He assures us we will get there and he will be there.  I also reflect today on experiences i've had painful on jobs or just in life were i know longer have those relationships with individuals. God spoke something to me concerning this long time ago. It simply says " Just Because" just because they hated on you i'll take you higher, just because they hurt you i will hold you closer.  Just because you trusted me i will do the unbelievable impossible.  We love you MO'NIQUE you are such an inspiration.  In the words of Monique to all the Precious that has ever been touched, violated or paralyzed with fear and invasion SPEAK OUT!

Friday, January 15, 2010

"A Cry to God for Haiti"!

My heart goes out to Haiti at this time, honestly many times throughout my life.  I know everyone by now should be familar with what has happened the earthquake, the shaking.  Something like this is devasting beyond the mind being able to wrap itself around. To have your house, kids or family taken away in a matter of seconds is painful.  As we just as people not to just say Americans alone but just as a person we should always put ourselves in others shoes. How would i feel? Where would i go? What would my children eat? How do i start again?  The Haitians had already delt with so much devastation previously with the flooding so i am truly praying for them.  On yesterday Pat Robertson of CBN News stated " That the Haitians many years ago had made a pact with satan".  He feels this is some of the reason there going through some hard times.  I pray to God they did not do something like that as we never want to open a door for evil.  In the same breath i pray for God grace to reach them, God is a god of first, second, third and eternal chances and loves his children.  We as a people could be there chance.  Let's continue to rally, to love and support. Please send proceeds to Red Cross or Foundations that or creditable. Standing in the Need of Grace for Haiti. Godbless!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Nanny can I be a Model?

Is what my little neice asked me quietly last night. I have three gorgeous neices i mean really they are beautiful ages 4, 3, and 3 months i cant believe it. Well one of them was reading an Ebony magazine she saw a model on the back and asked who she was and could she do the same. I answered her told her of course you are beautiful you can do anything you want to do. Then I paused and really let her question settle in my spirit.  It's amazing how much we matter to little ones the opportunities we have to build or tear down their dreams. I began to cry cause i actually remembered times as a child when i may not have had such positive enforcement. It so so important and vital that we lift one another up. We hold life in our very hands and mouths. She sat back and smiled after i answered her not the fact that she can be a model. It is the fact that someone she loves and trusts supports her in any positive endeavor she wishes to pursue.  It so amazing because she's only three and has these questions. So i have a question. How many people or children ask us questions we ignore or maybe shrugg them off when we could very well build the next Oprah Winfrey, Barack Obama, Woman or Man of God. Remember life or death lies in the tongue! Until later Plumsters and Plummetes!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

It's Official its 2010!

Wow i can not even say that right but here it is. We have survived so much if we could just really look back on it there is no way we made alone we were definately carried by the Lord.  With that said what are some of the things you look forward to achieving and doing this year? Not so much as new resolutions, but really breaking into things that you thought you never could do. I know for me I really have broken into something that almost killed me literally. I've  started a cycling class sweet Jesus when i tell you your but hurts believe me.  I rushed so fast to get into the class they were only letting so many ladies in. Then once i set my round dariare on the bike i said i got to get out of here some type of way. The lady next to me was slim and trim she said just hang in there it'll be find. Well will see no pain no gain right. I will be going back and i'll keep you guys updated.  Also was anyone able to watch Oprah on yesterdays show Cookie Johnson discussed her Jeans CJ jeans.   They look awesome for curvier women. So here's to the new year a better healthier us and doing new great innovating things. Let's challenge ourselves!