Sugar Plum Dynasty

Sugar Plum Dynasty

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Looking back on 2009!

Wow looking back on the beginning of 2009 no one would have told me that the year would hold such and amazing transformation of genre yet such awe strucking losses. The year started off as most with all our new year's resolutions fighting to stay on target and keep up with everyday life. Then there was the presidential election were Mr. Barack Obama became the first Black President of United States breathtaking. I was beyond excited it never hit me until being an african american woman and seeing Mrs. Michelle Obama walk out on stage i said wow we have a black first lady. What a year! Then quickly moving into August the loss of Michael Jackson such devestation an entire music genre lost through him, but we have gained so much g=having him. I love you Michael. Now the sudden lost of Brittani Murphy and I would never forget our angel Mrs. Farrah Fawcett. May you all rest and find peace. As we go into 2010 we go in stronger transformed and renewed and ready for the season god has for us. Here is to a year that seemed light years away but is here and ringing our door bell. Enjoy! Hello 2010!

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